Conference on Geochemical Transport and Kinetics, Hofmann, Albrecht W., 1939-, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Goldsmith, F. B. (Frank Barrie), Warren, Andrew
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Milton, John, 1608-1674, Patterson, F.A. (Frank Allen), 1878-1944
Lipsett, Mortimer B., National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (U.S.), Workshop on Gas-Liquid …
Plenum Press
Goldsmith, F. B. (Frank Barrie)
Chapman and Hall
Glasson, John, Marshall, Tim
John, A. H.
G. Allen & Unwin
Engineering Foundation Conference on Fluidization, Davidson, J. F. (John Frank), Keairns, D. L., 1940-
Cambridge University Press
Brondízio, Eduardo S., Moran, Emilio F., SpringerLink (Online service)
Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer
Darling, F. Fraser (Frank Fraser), 1903-, 大泰司, 紀之(1940-)
Hoffbauer, F. W., Josiah Macy, JR. Foundation Conference
Josiah Macy, JR. Foundation