Herb, Rebecca, 1948-, Lipsman, Ronald L., 1943-, Rosenberg, Jonathan, 1951-, University of Maryland, College Park. Dept. …
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Representations of Lie Groups and Harmonic Analysis (1977 : Liège, Belgium), Wolf, …
D. Reidel Pub Co., sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston
Summer School on Group Representations, Gelʹfand, Izrailʹ Moiseevich, 1913-, Bolyai János Matematikai Társulat
Akadémiai Kiadó
Summer Research Institute on Cohomology, Representations, and Actions of Finite Groups, Adem, Alejandro
American Mathematical Society
Summer School on Group Representations, Gelʹfand, Izrailʹ Moiseevich, 1913-, Bolyai János Matematikai Társulat
Tirao, Juan, 1942-, Wallach, Nolan R., 1940-, Workshop on Representation Theory of Lie Groups and its Applications
Symposium in Pure Mathematics, Casselman, W., 1941-, American Mathematical Society, Borel, Armand, 1923-2003
American Mathematical Society
AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Geometry of Group Representations, …
American Mathematical Society
Moore, C. C., Mackey, George Whitelaw, 1916-, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley, Calif.), Conference on …
Onishchik, A. L, Vinberg, Ė. B. (Ėrnest Borisovich), Leĭtes, D. A. (Dmitriĭ Aleksandrovich)
Springer Verlag
Duflo, Michel, Pedersen, Niels Vigand, Vergne, Michèle, 1943-, Pukanszky, L, Københavns universitet, Conference "The …
Boutet de Monvel, L., 1941-, Zampieri, G. (Giuseppe), D'Agnolo, A. (Andrea), Centro internazionale matematico estivo, …