Kohls, Richard L. (Richard Louis), 1921-, Uhl, Joseph N.
Prentice Hall
United States. Federal Farm Board
Federal Farm Board
Kohls, Richard L. (Richard Louis), 1921-
Bredahl, Maury E., Abbott, Philip C. (Philip Chase), 1949-, Reed, Michael R.
Westview Press
Kohls, Richard L. (Richard Louis), 1921-, Uhl, Joseph N.
Josling, Timothy Edward, 1940-, Tangermann, Stefan, Warley, T. K. (Thorald Keith), 1930-, 塩飽, 二郎
Andrews, Stanley, 1894-
Iowa State University Press
Iowa State University. Center for Agricultural and Economic Development
Iowa State University Press
Farris, Paul L.
Iowa State Univ. Press
Hillman, Jimmye S., 1923-
University of Nebraska Press
Clark, Fred Emerson, 1890-, Weld, L. D. H. (Louis Dwight Harvell), 1882-1946