Novels, Mont Saint Michel, the education
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Henry Adams ; [edited by Ernest Samuels and Jayne N. Samuels]
- 出版情報:
- New York, N.Y. : Literary Classics of the United States : Distributed by the Viking Press, c1983
- 著者名:
- シリーズ名:
- The library of America ; 14 <BA00080739>
- 9780940450127 [0940450127] (: us)
9780521261180 [052126118X] (: uk) - 注記:
- 'Ernest Samuels and Jayne N. Samuels wrote the notes and chronology, selected the texts, and edited The education of Henry Adams for this volume'
Includes index
Modern Library |
Columbia University Press |
International Pub. |
Farrar, Straus & Giroux |
Mercury Books |
竹内書店 |
University Microfilms International |
せりか書房 |
University Microfilms International |
平凡社 |
University Microfilms International |
Hokuseido Press |