- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (123)
- American Institute of Physics (31)
- Institution of Electrical Engineers (30)
- American Medical Association (28)
- American Chemical Society (23)
- American Mathematical Society (20)
- IEEE Computer Society (18)
- Institute of Physics (Great Britain) (18)
- Institute of Radio Engineers (18)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (17)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (17)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) (17)
- United States. Dept. of Agriculture (17)
- American Geophysical Union (16)
- American Psychological Association (16)
- Chemical Society (Great Britain) (16)
- American Physical Society (15)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (14)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain) (14)
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (13)
- Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) (13)
- European Physical Society (12)
- American Association for Cancer Research (11)
- American Society for Microbiology (11)
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (11)
- Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk (11)
- Società italiana di fisica (11)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (10)
- 信州大学繊維学部 (10)
- 日本機械学会 (10)
- National Research Council of Canada (9)
- Royal Society (Great Britain) (9)
- American Meteorological Society (8)
- Association for Computing Machinery (8)
- IEEE Communications Society (8)
- London Mathematical Society (8)
- 日本学術会議 (8)
- 東北大学 (8)
- Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR (7)
- American Heart Association (7)
- British Medical Association (7)
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (7)
- Institute of Physics and the Physical Society (7)
- Optical Society of America (7)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (7)
- 学術研究会議 (7)
- 日本物理学会 (7)
- American Physiological Society (1887- ) (6)
- Biochemical Society (Great Britain) (6)
- Geological Society of America (6)
- IEEE Power Engineering Society (6)
- International Institute of Agriculture (6)
- Operations Research Society of America (6)
- Société mathématique de France (6)
- 国立科学博物館 (6)
- American Astronomical Society (5)
- American Statistical Association (5)
- Elsevier Science Publishers (5)
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (5)
- IEEE Signal Processing Society (5)
- Institute of Management Sciences (5)
- Société chimique de France (5)
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (5)
- Textile Institute (5)
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (5)
- Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology (5)
- 中国科学院 (5)
- ASM International (4)
- American Concrete Institute (4)
- American Diabetes Association (4)
- American Society for Metals (4)
- American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (4)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (4)
- American Society of Agronomy (4)
- Chemical Society (Great Britain). Faraday Division (4)
- College Art Association of America (4)
- Company of Biologists (4)
- Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society (4)
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (4)
- Endocrine Society (4)
- Entomological Society of America (4)
- Goethe-Gesellschaft (Weimar, Germany) (4)
- IEEE Control Systems Society (4)
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (4)
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics (4)
- Institution of Structural Engineers (Great Britain) (4)
- International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4)
- Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (4)
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (4)
- National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) (4)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (4)
- National Research Council Canada (4)
- Royal Statistical Society (Great Britain) (4)
- Society for Research in Child Development (4)
- Society for the Publication of Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica (4)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (4)
- United States. National Bureau of Standards (4)
- University of Chicago (4)
- 京都大学理学部 (4)
- 土木学会 (4)