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edited by P.K. Liaw and T. Nicholas
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edited by Russell H. Jones, William W. Gerberich
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sponsored by the Mechanical Metallurgy Committee of the Metallurgical Society and by the Flow and Fracture Committee of the American Society for Metals, Materials Science Division and held at the TMS-AIME fall meeting in Detroit, Michigan, September 17-21, 1984 ; edited by W.W. Gerberich, D.L. Davidson
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sponsored by the Mechanical and Physical Metallurgy Committees of the Metallurgical Society of AIME and the Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committees of the Metallurgical Society and American Society for Metals held at the fall meeting of the Metallurgical Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 3-5, 1983 ; edited by D.L. Davidson, S. Suresh
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edited by Joseph M. Wells, John D. Landes