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Fundamentals of ship hydrodynamics : fluid mechanics, ship resistance and propulsion

Lothar Birk, University of New Orleans
Birk, Lothar  
9781118855515 [1118855515]  CiNii Books  Calil
9781119191575 [1119191572]  CiNii Books  Calil
9781118855553 [1118855558]  CiNii Books  Calil
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Print version record.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; About the Companion Website; chapter 1 Ship Hydrodynamics; 1.1 Calm Water Hydrodynamics; 1.2 Ship Hydrodynamics and Ship Design; 1.3 Available Tools; chapter 2 Ship Resistance; 2.1 Total Resistance; 2.2 Phenomenological Subdivision; 2.3 Practical Subdivision; 2.3.1 Froude's hypothesis; 2.3.2 ITTC's method; 2.4 Physical Subdivision; 2.4.1 Body forces; 2.4.2 Surface forces; 2.5 Major Resistance Components; chapter 3 Fluid and Flow Properties; 3.1 A Word on Notation
3.2 Fluid Properties3.2.1 Properties of water; 3.2.2 Properties of air; 3.2.3 Acceleration of free fall; 3.3 Modeling and Visualizing Flow; 3.4 Pressure; chapter 4 Fluid Mechanics and Calculus; 4.1 Substantial Derivative; 4.2 Nabla Operator and Its Applications; 4.2.1 Gradient; 4.2.2 Divergence; 4.2.3 Rotation; 4.2.4 Laplace operator; chapter 5 Continuity Equation; 5.1 Mathematical Models of Flow; 5.2 Infinitesimal Fluid Element Fixed in Space; 5.3 Finite Control Volume Fixed in Space; 5.4 Infinitesimal Element Moving With the Fluid; 5.5 Finite Control Volume Moving With the Fluid
5.6 Summarychapter 6 Navier-Stokes Equations; 6.1 Momentum; 6.2 Conservation of Momentum; 6.2.1 Time rate of change of momentum; 6.2.2 Momentum flux over boundary; 6.2.3 External forces; 6.2.4 Conservation of momentum equations; 6.3 Stokes' Hypothesis; 6.4 Navier-Stokes Equations for a Newtonian Fluid; chapter 7 Special Cases of the Navier-Stokes Equations; 7.1 Incompressible Fluid of Constant Temperature; 7.2 Dimensionless Navier-Stokes Equations; chapter 8 Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE); 8.1 Mean and Turbulent Velocity; 8.2 Time Averaged Continuity Equation
8.3 Time Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations8.4 Reynolds Stresses and Turbulence Modeling; chapter 9 Application of the Conservation Principles; 9.1 Body in a Wind Tunnel; 9.2 Submerged Vessel in an Unbounded Fluid; 9.2.1 Conservation of mass; 9.2.2 Conservation of momentum; chapter 10 Boundary Layer Theory; 10.1 Boundary Layer; 10.1.1 Boundary layer thickness; 10.1.2 Laminar and turbulent flow; 10.1.3 Flow separation; 10.2 Simplifying Assumptions; 10.3 Boundary Layer Equations; chapter 11 Wall Shear Stress in the Boundary Layer; 11.1 Control Volume Selection
11.2 Conservation of Mass in the Boundary Layer11.3 Conservation of Momentum in the Boundary Layer; 11.3.1 Momentum flux over boundary of control volume; 11.3.2 Surface forces acting on control volume; 11.3.3 Displacement thickness; 11.3.4 Momentum thickness; 11.4 Wall Shear Stress; chapter 12 Boundary Layer of a Flat Plate; 12.1 Boundary Layer Equations for a Flat Plate; 12.2 Dimensionless Velocity Profiles; 12.3 Boundary Layer Thickness; 12.4 Wall Shear Stress; 12.5 Displacement Thickness; 12.6 Momentum Thickness; 12.7 Friction Force and Coefficients; chapter 13 Frictional Resistance
Fundamentals of Ship Hydrodynamics: Fluid Mechanics, Ship Resistance and Propulsion Lothar Birk, University of New Orleans, USA Bridging the information gap between fluid mechanics and ship hydrodynamics Fundamentals of Ship Hydrodynamics is designed as a textbook for undergraduate education in ship resistance and propulsion. The book provides connections between basic training in calculus and fluid mechanics and the application of hydrodynamics in daily ship design practice. Based on a foundation in fluid mechanics, the origin, use, and limitations of experimental and computational procedures for resistance and propulsion estimates are explained. The book is subdivided into sixty chapters, providing background material for individual lectures. The unabridged treatment of equations and the extensive use of figures and examples enable students to study details at their own pace. Key features: - Covers the range from basic fluid mechanics to applied ship hydrodynamics. - Subdivided into 60 succinct chapters. -
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