2-22: 矢ノ根介殻蟲調査報告 |
藺草試驗成績報告 |
山葵田用水に關する調査 |
柿の夏期剪定が結果母枝並に結果枝に及ぼす影響について = Effects of the summer pruning on the mother fruit branch and fruit spur in the Japanese persimon |
by T. Takehi, K. Noro |
温州蜜柑の變異枝基部に於ける瘤に就て = An anatomical study on the knurl on the base of the bud sport in the satsuma orenge |
by Kimijiro Noro |
農業經營研究事業現况調査成績報告 |
機械油乳劑及混合油に關する實驗 |
温州蜜柑の二三新系統に就て = On some new strains of the satsuma orage |
by Kimijiro Noro, Tadao Takehi |
桃「小林水密」の冬季剪定が根群に及ぼす影響に就て = Effects of winter pruning on the root system of the peach "kobayashi suimitsu" |
by Kimijiro Noro |
結霜豫防器の燃料に就て = On the fuel of the orchard heater |
by Kimijiro Noro |
消石灰「ボルドウ」液の製法並に機械油乳劑の簡易調整方法 |
カクモンハマキに關する研究 = Studies on the pear leaf-roller, Cacoecia xylosteana linne |
by Masatoshi Yago |
23-44: 矢の根介殻蟲調査報告 |
梨害蟲ニ關スル調査 |
新殺虫剤デリゲンに関する試験成績 = The experimentation of the new derris insecticide "derigen" |
by Masatoshi Yago, Koichi Sagesaka |
人力用唐箕万石比較試験成績 |
梨の人工交配に關する二三の調査並實驗 : 花粉の多寡、葯の人工開舒、交配、其他蜂蜜に關する事項 = Studies on the hand pollination of the Japanese Pear Chojuro as means of good setting |
日本産柑橘害蟲總目録 |
福原オレンヂ : 新晩生柑橘 |
[野呂癸巳次郎著] |
七島藺に對する硫酸礬土の影響に就て |
[山本狷吉著] |
モモシンクヒガの生態竝に其の防除法 = Ecological notes and the methods of controlling the pear fruit borer Caposina sasakii Matsumura |
by Masatoshi Yago, Haruyuki Ishikawa |
新しい殺蟲劑竝に展着劑に關する試驗成績 = The Experimentation on the new insecticides and spreaders |
by Masatoshi Yago, Koichi Sagesaka, Katsusaburo Ishigami |
梨園に於ける蝉 |
ナシハダニに關する研究 = Studies on the pear tetranychid mite, Tetranychus sp |
by Masatoshi Yago, Nobuji Hurukori |
昇汞水による土壤消毒の小麥の生育收量竝に品質に及ぼす影響 = Effect of soil treatment with corrosive sublimate solution on the growth, yeild [i.e. yield] and quality of wheat : preliminary report |
by Hiroyasu Murakami |
2-22: 矢ノ根介殻蟲調査報告 |
藺草試驗成績報告 |
山葵田用水に關する調査 |
柿の夏期剪定が結果母枝並に結果枝に及ぼす影響について = Effects of the summer pruning on the mother fruit branch and fruit spur in the Japanese persimon |
by T. Takehi, K. Noro |
温州蜜柑の變異枝基部に於ける瘤に就て = An anatomical study on the knurl on the base of the bud sport in the satsuma orenge |
by Kimijiro Noro |
農業經營研究事業現况調査成績報告 |