WCCFL 22 : proceedings of the 22nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- edited by Gina Garding and Mimu Tsujimura
- 出版情報:
- Somerville, Mass. : Cascadilla Press, 2003
- 著者名:
- 10421068
- 9781574730630 [1574730630] (: pbk)
9781574731637 [1574731637] (: library binding) - 注記:
- Conference held at the University of California, San Diego on March 21-23, 2003
Includes bibliographical references and index
Cascadilla Press |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Cascadilla Press |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Cascadilla Press |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Cascadilla Press |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Stanford Linguistics Association |
Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information |
Stanford Linguistics Association |