Davies, Evelyn, 1931-
Cambridge University Press
Adams, W. Royce
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Adams, Leslie, Llanas, Angela
Pergamon Press
Irwin, Judith Westphal
Allyn and Bacon
Böttcher, Elizabeth, Sanabria, Kim, 1955-, Cohen, Robert F., 1946-, Miller, Judy L., 1947-, Smith, Lorraine C.
Pearson Education
Grellet, Françoise
Cambridge University Press
Wallwork, Adrian
Lawrence, E. P., Weisinger, Herbert
Ronald Press
Douglas, Nancy, MacIntyre, Paul, Hubley, Nancy J., National Geographic Society (U.S.), Huntley, Helen, Rogers, Bruce, …
Heinle Cengage Learning
Thompson, G. Brian (George Brian), 1938-, Tunmer, W. E. (William E.), 1947-, Nicholson, Tom
Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Cox, Martha Heasley, Foote, Dorothy Norris
Howard Chandler