Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium on the Innate Immune System, 谷口, 克(1940-), 審良, 静男, 中山, 俊憲(1959-)
National Research Institute for Metals
Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium on Integrative and Molecular Approach to Brain Function, 伊藤, 正男(1928-), 宮下, 保司
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Smid, J., College of Environmental Science and Forestry, National …
Pergamon Press
Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium on Frontiers in Muscle Research, 小沢, 鍈二郎, 真崎, 知生, 鍋島, 陽一
Excerpta Medica
International Symposium on Hormone Receptors and Receptor Diseases (1982 : Kyoto, Japan), Kuzuya, Hideshi, 1941-, …
Excerpta Medica, Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
Ciba Foundation, Bock, Klaus Dietrich
吉川, 寛(1933-), 小笠原, 直毅, 佐藤, 矩行(1945-), 上原記念生命科学財団
Elsevier Science
Japanese Society for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, Symposium on Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, 阿岸, 鉄三, 織田, 敏次(1922-)
F. K. Schattauer
Apostolico, Alberto, 1948-, Hein, Jotun
Japanese Society for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, Symposium on Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, 阿岸, 鉄三, 織田, 敏次(1922-)
F. K. Schattauer