Prasad, L. (Laksham), Iyengar, S. S. (Sundararaja S.)
CRC Press
Wojtaszczyk, Przemysław, 1940-, London Mathematical Society
Cambridge University Press
Wells, Raymond O'Neil, 1940-
Hernández, Eugenio, 1954-, Weiss, Guido L., 1928-
CRC Press
Wells, Raymond O'Neil, 1940-
D'Attellis, Carlos Enrique, Fernandez-Berdaguer, Elena M., 1947-
Chan, Y. T., 1940-
Kluwer Academic Publishers
AMS Special Session on the Functional and Harmonic Analysis of Wavelets, Baggett, Lawrence W.,1939-, Larson, David …
American Mathematical Society
Chui, Charles K.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Signal Processing, Ismail, Mourad,1944-
American Mathematical Society
Jørgensen, Palle E. T., 1947-, Treadway, Brian
Chui, Charles K.
Academic Press