International Genetics Symposium, 日本学術会議, International Union of Biological Sciences
Sciece Council of Japan
Kupsch, W. O. (Walter Oscar), 1919-, Sarjeant, William Antony S., Mawdsley, James Buckland, 1894-
Geological Association of Canada
Pollak, Edward, Kempthorne, Oscar, 1919-, Bailey, Theodore B.
Iowa State University Press
Zöttl, H. W., Hüttl, R. F., International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Division I--Site and Silviculture, …
Kluwer Academic
Keverling Buisman, J. A. (Jan Anne), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on Medicinal …
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., Distributors for the United States and Canada, Elsevier/North Holland
Carleton Conference on Categorical Aspects of Topology and Analysis, Banaschewski, Bernhard
International Union of Biological Sciences Symposia on General Biology, Baker, Herbert G., Stebbins, G. Ledyard (George …
Academic Press
Banaschewski, B., SpringerLink (Online service)
Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer
Edinburgh Symposium on the Genetics of the Spermatozoon, Beatty, R. A. (Richard Alan), Gluecksohn-Waelsch, Salome
R. Beatty, S. Gluecksoh-Waelsch
Symposium on Rice Genetics and Cytogenetics, International Rice Research Institute
Melnick, Michael, Jorgenson, Ronald, Society of Craniofacial Genetics, National Foundation
A. R. Liss
International Astronomical Union. Symposium, Barnes, J. E., 1961-, Sanders, David Bruce
Kluwer Academic Publishers