International Cancer Congress
Ninth International Cancer Congress
World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, オノ, ジョウ
Excerpta Medica
International Cancer Congress (9th : 1966 : Tokyo, Japan), 日本癌学会
International Congress on Photosynthesis, 村田, 紀夫
Kluwer Academic
Hall, Thomas C., 1921-, International Congress of Chemotherapy
A.R. Liss
International Congress of Radiology, 12th, Tokyo, 1969, 日本癌学会
Maruzen Co.
World Congress of Dermatology, 久木田, 淳, 清寺, 真
University of Tokyo Press
International Congress of Oriental Medicine, 山田, 光胤(1924-), 日本東洋医学会, International Oriental Medical Science Association
International Oriental Medical Science Association
International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes, 野村, 武夫(1929-), 吉田, 彌太郎(1935-)
International Conference on Fundamental Mechanisms in Human Cancer Immunology, Saunders, J. Palmer
Elsevier/North Holland
International Congress of Linguists, 服部, 四郎(1908-), 井上, 和子(1919-)
The Committee
International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals …
International Agency for Research on Cancer