International Symposium on Information Transduction and Processing in Biological Systems, 畠瀬, 修, Wang, Jerry H.
Elsevier Science Publishers, Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
International Symposium on Bentiromide, 増田, 正典
Reddy, G. M., Coe, E. H., Jr., International Symposium on "Gene Structure and Function in Higher Plants" (1983 : …
Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
Society of General Physiologists. Symposium, Corey, David P., Roper, Stephen D.
Rockefeller University Press
International Symposium on Children's Cancer, 小林, 登(1927-), 明楽, 泰, 水谷, 修紀, Children's Cancer Association of Japan
International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, Ling, Tok Wang, Mendelzon, Alberto O., Vieille, …
Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium on Frontiers in Muscle Research, 小沢, 鍈二郎, 真崎, 知生, 鍋島, 陽一
Excerpta Medica
Ling, Tok Wang, Mendelzon, Alberto O., Vieille, Laurent, SpringerLink (Online service)
Nihon University International Symposium on Aerospace Science, 谷島, 一嘉
Nihon University
Ling, Tok W., Mendelzon, Alberto O., Vieille, Laurent., SpringerLink (Online service)
Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer
TAO International Symposium on Three Deminsional Image Communication Technologies (1st : Tokyo : 1993), 辻内, …
Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
International Symposium on Insulin-Like Growth Factors, 高野, 加寿恵, 肥塚, 直美, 高橋, 伸一郎