James Joyce : the undiscover'd country
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Bernard Benstock
- 出版情報:
- Dublin : Gill and Macmillan
New York : Barnes & Noble, 1977 - 著者名:
- Benstock, Bernard, 1930- <DA00368096>
- 9780717107810 [0717107817] (: Gill)
9780064932783 [0064932788] (: Barnes) - 注記:
- Includes bibliographical references and index
F. Ungar Pub. Co. |
G.K. Hall |
Indiana University Press, Harvester Press |
University of Washington Press |
University of Illinois Press |
University of Washington Press |
James Joyce Society of Sweden and Finland |
Frederick Ungar |
Syracuse University Press |
P. Smith |
G.K. Hall |
Viking Press |