Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Burke, John J., Reed, Norman L., Weiss, Volker, 1930-
Syracuse University Press
Workshop on the Theoretical Foundation for Large-scale Computations of Nonlinear Material Behavior, Nemat-Nasser, S., …
M. Nijhoff, Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Burke, John J. (John Jerome), 1924-, Weiss, Volker, 1930-
Plenum Press
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Burke, John J. (John Jerome), 1924-, Weiss, Volker, 1930-
Plenum Press
Asay, J. R., Graham, R. A. (Robert Albert), 1931-, Straub, G. K., 1944-, American Physical Society. Division of …
North-Holland, Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, Burke, John J., Weiss, Volker, 1930-
Plenum Press
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference
Plenum Press
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference (27th : 1980 : Bolton Landing, N.Y.), Burke, John J., Weiss, Volker, 1930-
Plenum Press
Gilbertson, L. N., Zipp, R. D., ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing
Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference (25th : 1978 : Bolton Landing, N.Y.), Burke, John J. (John Jerome), 1924-, …
Plenum Press
Colston Research Society. Symposium, Colston Research Society, Everett, D. H. (Douglas Hugh), 1916-, Stone, F. S.
Butterworths Scientific Publications
Murr, Lawrence Eugene
Academic Press