Dimensionnement et sécurité des pièces comprimées en béton armé = Bemessung und Sicherheit von Stahlbeton-Druckgliedern = Design and safety of reinforced concrete compression members : symposium, Québec, 1974
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- in cooperation with the Canadian Group of IABSE and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
- 出版情報:
- [Zurich] : Association internationale des ponts et charpentes, 1974
- 著者名:
- シリーズ名:
- Reports of the working commissions (IABSE) ; v. 15-17 <BA10998254>
- 注記:
- English, French, or German, with summaries in English, French, and German
Includes bibliographies
The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation | |
McGraw-Hill |
American Association of State Highway Officials |
A.A.S.H.T.O. | |
Delft University Press | |
McGraw-Hill |
Ellis Horwood, Distributors: Halsted Press |
Association internationale des ponts et charpentes |