Ulysses as a comic novel. 1st ed
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Zack Bowen
- 出版情報:
- Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1989
- 著者名:
- Bowen, Zack R. <DA00847827>
- シリーズ名:
- Irish studies <BA03843597>
- 9780815624714 [0815624719]
- 注記:
- Bibliography: p. 139-142
Includes index
State University of New York Press |
Faber and Faber |
State University of New York Press |
Princeton University Press |
Oxford Uni. Press |
Princeton University Press |
University of Delaware Press, Associated University Presses |
Harcourt, Brace |
University of Toronto Press |
Gill and Macmillan |
G. Allen & Unwin |
Sinclair-Stevenson |