A geography of climate. 1st AMS ed.
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- by J. Gentilli
- 出版情報:
- New York : AMS Press, 1978
- 著者名:
- Gentilli, J. (Joseph), 1912- <DA01660366>
- 9780404162061 [0404162061]
- 注記:
- Reprint of the 1952 ed. published by the University of Western Australia Text Books Board, Crawley
Bibliography: p. 104-105
Elsevier Pub. Co. |
Butterworths |
Methuen | |
Routledge |
E. Arnold |
Cambridge University Press | |
W. Kaufmann |
Rowman & Allanheld |
McGraw-Hill |