International Congress of Primatology, Hofer, H. (Helmut), 1912-
S. Karger
Starck, Dietrich, 1908-
Napier, John Russell, 1917-, Napier, P. H. (Prue H.)
Academic P.
Zoological Society of London, Napier, John Russell, 1917-, Barnicot, N. A.
The Society
Starck, Dietrich, 1908-
Chiarelli, A. B., 1934-
Academic Press
Starck, Dietrich, 1908-
Springer ; 1978
Steele, James, 1960-, Shennan, Stephen
Starck, Dietrich, 1908-
Washburn, S. L. (Sherwood Larned), 1911-, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
Distributed through Current Anthoropology for the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Aldine
Starck, Dietrich, 1908-
Fleagle, John G., Janson, Charles Helmar, Reed, Kaye E., 1951-
Cambridge University Press