From individuals to group members : a dialectic for the social sciences |
Eric S. Knowles |
The origin and maintenance of social roles : the case of sex roles |
Paul F. Secord |
Social roles as interaction competencies |
Michael Athay and John Darley |
Determinants of responsiveness in dyadic interaction |
Deborah Davis |
Personality and nonverbal involvement : a functional analysis |
Miles L. Patterson |
The forms of social awareness |
Daniel M. Wegner and Toni Giuliano |
Commitment, identity salience, and role behavior : theory and research example |
Sheldon Stryker and Richard T. Serpe |
Loss and human connection : an exploration into the nature of the social bond |
Lyn H. Lofland |
Changing roles, goals, and self-conceptions : process and results in a program for women's employment |
Chad Gordon and Paddy Gordon |
Discretionary justice : influences of social role, personality, and social situation |
George J. McCall |
A basic paradigm for the study of personality, roles, and social behavior |
William Ickes |
From individuals to group members : a dialectic for the social sciences |
Eric S. Knowles |
The origin and maintenance of social roles : the case of sex roles |
Paul F. Secord |
Social roles as interaction competencies |
Michael Athay and John Darley |
Determinants of responsiveness in dyadic interaction |
Deborah Davis |
Personality and nonverbal involvement : a functional analysis |
Miles L. Patterson |
The forms of social awareness |
Daniel M. Wegner and Toni Giuliano |