Taylor, W. W. Clyde Kluckhohn and American archaeology |
Parsons, T. Clyde Kluckhohn and the integration of social science |
Inkeles, A. Clyde Kluckhohn's contribution to studies of Russia and the Soviet Union |
Adair, J. Clyde Kluckhohn and Indian administration |
Aberle, D. F. Clyde Kluckhohn's contributions to Navaho studies |
Lamphere, L. and Vogt, E. Z. Clyde Kluckhohn as ethnographer and student of Navaho ceremonialiam |
Fischer, J. L. Linguistic models and the study of culture: Clyde Kluckhohn's approach |
Edmonson, M. S. The anthropology of values |
Rapoport, R. N. Unpatterning and repatterning in culture: a crisis theory |
Taylor, W. W. Clyde Kluckhohn and American archaeology |
Parsons, T. Clyde Kluckhohn and the integration of social science |
Inkeles, A. Clyde Kluckhohn's contribution to studies of Russia and the Soviet Union |
Adair, J. Clyde Kluckhohn and Indian administration |
Aberle, D. F. Clyde Kluckhohn's contributions to Navaho studies |
Lamphere, L. and Vogt, E. Z. Clyde Kluckhohn as ethnographer and student of Navaho ceremonialiam |