International Display Workshops, 映像情報メディア学会, Society for Information Display
[IDW '00 Committee]
INS International Symposium on Nuclear and Particle Physics with Meson Beams in the 1 GeV/c Region ( 23rd : 1995 : …
Universal Academy Press
International Conference on Quantum Information, 飛田, 武幸(1927-), Saitō, K. (Kimiaki)
World Scientific
International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, International Plant Growth Substances Association, 日本学術会議
Hirokawa Pub. Co.
三島, 豊(1929-), Van Scott, Eugene J., 谷奥, 喜平, International Conference on the Pathobiology of the Skin
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Fang, Kai-Tang, Hickernell, Fred J., Niederreiter, …
Nihon International Symposium on Brain Processes and Memory, 石川, 紘一, McGaugh, James L., 酒田, 英夫(1934-), 日本大学
Nihon University International Symposium on Aerospace Science, 谷島, 一嘉
Nihon University
International Conference on Ready Mixed Concrete, 1st, Dundee, Scot., 1975, Dhir, Ravindra K.
Pergamon Press
AMS Special Session in Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs, Kramer, Earl Sidney, 1940-, Magliveras, Spyros …
American Mathematical Society
International Conference on D-Modules and Microlocal Geometry (1990 : Lisbon, Portugal), 柏原, 正樹(1947-), …
Walter de Gruyter
AMS Special Session in Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs, Kramer, Earl S.1940-, Magliveras, Spyros S.1938-
American Mathematical Society