Naĭmark, M. A. (Mark Aronovich), 1909-1978, Boron, Leo F.
Wolters-Noordhoff Pub.
Postman, Leo Joseph
Naĭmark, M. A. (Mark Aronovich), 1909-1978, Boron, Leo F.
P. Noordhoff N. V.
Toglia, Michael P., Battig, William F.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, distributed by the Halsted Press Division of John Wiley
Keppel, Geoffrey
Anderson, John R. (John Robert), 1947-, Bower, Gordon H.
V.H. Winston ; distributed by the Halsted Press Division of Wiley, New York, Hemisphere Pub.
Kolmogorov, A. N. (Andreĭ Nikolaevich), 1903-1987, Fomin, S. V. (Sergeĭ Vasilʹevich), 1917-1975, Boron, Leo F.
Graylock Press
Holenstein, Elmar, 1937-
Greenberg, Joseph Harold, 1915-, Ferguson, Charles Albert, 1921-, Moravcsik, Edith A.
Stanford University Press
Deese, James Earle, 1921-
Johns Hopkins Press
Allport, Gordon W. (Gordon Willard), 1897-1967, Postman, Leo Joseph, 南, 博(1914-)