Bandura, Albert, 1925-
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Thoresen, Carl E., Richey, Herman G., National Society for the Study of Education
NSSE, Distributed by the University of Chicago Press
Leitenberg, Harold
Marsella, Anthony J., 1940-, Tharp, Roland G., 1930-, Ciborowski, Thomas J.
Academic Press
Strupp, Hans H.
Forster, Francis M. (Francis Michael), 1912-2006
O'Leary, K. Daniel, 1940-, O'Leary, Susan G.
Pergamon Press
Eysenck, H. J. (Hans Jurgen), 1916-, Rachman, Stanley
Routledge & K. Paul
Hersen, Michel, 1940-, Eisler, Richard M., Miller, Peter M. (Peter Michael), 1942-
Academic Press
Mahoney, Michael J.
Ballinger Pub. Co.
Keller, Fred Simmons, 1899-, Ribes Iñesta, Emilio
Academic Press