Levy, Marion J. (Marion Joseph), 1918-
Princeton University Press
Freedman, Ronald, 1917-, Hawley, Amos Henry, Landecker, Werner S., 1911-, Miner, Horace Mitchell, 1912-, Swanson, Guy E.
Henry Holt and Co.
Tomkins, Silvan S. (Silvan Solomon), 1911-1991
Jones, David I. G.
Clearinghouse for Federal, Scientific and Technical Information
Tomkins, Silvan S. (Silvan Solomon), 1911-1991
Grune & Stratton
Schneider, David Murray, 1918-
University of Michigan Press
Tomkins, Silvan S. (Silvan Solomon), 1911-
Springer Pub. Co.
Caldwell, Moris, Foster, Laurence
Gentile, Giovanni, 1875-1944, Harris, H. S. (Henry Silton), 1926-
University of Illinois Press
Simmel, Georg, 1858-1918
Duncker & Humblot
<ED. BY> DAWE, D. J. <ET AL.>
Simmel, Georg, 1858-1918, Rammstedt, Otthein, 1938-