Symposium on the Stability of Stochastic Dynamical Systems, University of Warwick. Control Theory Centre, International …
Regional Research Conference on Differential Games and Control Theory, Roxin, Emilio O., Liu, Pan-Tai, Sternberg, Robert …
M. Dekker
International Symposium on Dynamical Systems, Bednarek, A. R., Cesari, Lamberto
Academic Press
Hilton, Peter John, 1923-, Battelle Conference Center
Markley, Nelson Groh, 1940-, Martin, J. C. (John Calhoun), 1945-, Perrizo, W., 1943-
Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Yorke, James A., University of Maryland, College Park.
Manning, Anthony, 1946-
Liu, Xinzhi, Siegel, David, 1953-, Symposium on Comparison Methods and Stability Theory
Marcel Dekker
NSF/CBMS Regional Conference on Coordinates in Operator Algebras: Groupoids and Categories, Their Representations and …
American Mathematical Society
Rand, D. A. (David A.), Young, L.-S. (Lai-Sang), University of Warwick
US-Chinese Conference, Bates, Peter W., 1947-
International Press