Statistical handbook of Japan
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister
- 出版情報:
- Tokyo : Bureau of Printing, Ministry of Finance, 1958-
- 著者名:
- 9784822300173 [482230017X] (1981)
9784822301699 [4822301699] (1983)
9784822304744 [4822304744] (1984)
9784822305802 [4822305805] (1985)
9784822305802 [4822305805] (1986)
9784822307226 [4822307220] (1987)
9784822311568 [4822311562] (1990)
9784822311896 [4822311899] (1991)
9784822312718 [4822312712] (1992)
9784822315085 [4822315088] (1993)
9784822316594 [4822316599] (1994)
9784822317485 [482231748X] (1995)
9784822317942 [4822317943] (1996)
9784822319755 [482231975X] (1997)
9784822321581 [4822321584] (1998)
9784822322496 [4822322491] (1999)
9784822323325 [4822323323] (2000)
9784822324131 [4822324133] (2001)
9784822326517 [4822326519] (2002)
9784822328542 [4822328546] (2003)
9784822329471 [482232947X] (2004)
9784822330415 [4822330419] (2005)
9784822331276 [482233127X] (2006)
9784822333614 [4822333612] (2007)
9784822335557 [4822335550] (2008)
9784822336028 [4822336026] (2009)
9784822336790 [4822336794] (2010)
9784822336998 [4822336999] (2011)
9784822337209 [4822337200] (2012) - 注記:
- 2003-: edited by Statistics Research and Training Institute ... [et al.]
2009-: edited by Statistics Research and Training Institute, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Publisher of 1964-,2008: Japan Statistical Association; 1994-2000: Statistics Bureau. Management and Coordination Agency; 2001-2004: Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Manegement, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications; 2005-,2010-2012: Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister |
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