Some Engel curves |
W.M. Gorman |
Suggestions towards freeing systems of demand functions from a strait-jacket |
L. Johansen |
Theoretical and empirical approaches to consumer demand under rationing |
A.S. Deaton |
The independence transformation : a review and some further explorations |
H. Theil and K. Laitinen |
The analysis of consumption and demand in the USSR |
N.P Fedorenko and N.J. Rimashevskaya |
On the constructability of consistent price indices between several periods simultaneously |
S.N. Afriat |
The economic theory of index numbers : a survey |
W.E. Diewert |
Testing neoclassical models of the demand for consumer durables |
J. Muellbauer |
Liquidity and inflation effects on consumers' expenditure |
D.F. Hendry and T. von Ungern-Sternburg |
On labour supply and commodity demands |
A.B. Atkinson and N.H. Stern |
Child spacing and numbers : an empirical analysis |
M. Nerlove and A. Razin |
Some Engel curves |
W.M. Gorman |
Suggestions towards freeing systems of demand functions from a strait-jacket |
L. Johansen |
Theoretical and empirical approaches to consumer demand under rationing |
A.S. Deaton |
The independence transformation : a review and some further explorations |
H. Theil and K. Laitinen |
The analysis of consumption and demand in the USSR |
N.P Fedorenko and N.J. Rimashevskaya |
On the constructability of consistent price indices between several periods simultaneously |
S.N. Afriat |