Society for General Microbiology. Symposium
Cambridge U.P. for the Society for General Microbiology
Watson, P. F., Zoological Society of London
Academic Press for the Zoological Society of London
Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Churchill Livingstone, University Park Press, MTP
Zoological Society of London, Napier, John Russell, 1917-, Barnicot, N. A.
The Society
Hepple, Peter, Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain), Chemical Society (Great Britain), British Occupational Hygiene …
Institute of Petroleum
Zoological Society of London, Carthy, J. D. (John D.), 1923-, Newell, G. E. (Gordon Ewart)
Published for the Zoological Society of London by Academic Press
Smithsonian Institution Press
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, American Society of Zoologists
Journal of Experimental Zoology
Peaker, Malcolm, Zoological Society of London
Academic Press for the Zoological Society of London
Society for General Microbiology. Symposium
Cambridge University Press
Zoological Society of London, Macfarlane, Gwyn, 1907-
Published for the Zoological Society of London by Academic Press
American Mathematical Society
American Mathematical Society