Jane Austen
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom
- 出版情報:
- New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 1986
- 著者名:
- Bloom, Harold, 1930- <DA00224631>
- シリーズ名:
- Modern critical views <BA0013388X>
- 9780877546825 [0877546827] (: alk. paper)
- 注記:
- Bibliography: p. 225-232
Includes index
Summary: A collection of critical essays on Austen and her works. Also includes a chronology of events in her life
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Chatto & Windus |
Cambridge University Press | |
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Routledge & K. Paul, Barnes & Noble |
Twayne Publishers, Maxwell Macmillan Canada, Maxwell Macmillan International |