Annual report of the librarian of Congress
- 種類:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Library of Congress
- 出版情報:
- Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1899-
- 著者名:
- Library of Congress <DA00238760>
- 00831565
- 9780160379314 [0160379318] (1991)
9780844408187 [0844408182] (1992)
9780160451966 [0160451965] (1993)
9780160456459 [0160456452] (1994)
9780844409030 [0844409030] (1995)
9780844409450 [0844409456] (1996)
9780844409627 [0844409626] (1997)
9780844409856 [0844409855] (1998)
9780160508967 [0160508967] (2000)
9780160511493 [0160511496] (2001)
9780844410845 [0844410845] (2002) - 注記:
- Subtitle: For the fiscal year ...
Vols. 1951- published by Library of Congress
Spine title of vol. 1901: Report of the librarian with manual
Spine title of vol. 1902: Report of the librarian
R.R. Bowker |
Hannah Dairy Research Institute |
Greenwood Press |
Extension Service University of Maryland |
Greenwood Press |
Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University |
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) |
University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station |
J. B. Lyon |
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources |
European Central Bank |
Tottori University Arid Land Research Center |