Transactions of the ASME. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power
- 種類:
- 雑誌
- 出版情報:
- [New York, N.Y.] : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1984-
- 継続前誌:
- Transactions of the ASME. Ser. A, Journal of engineering for power <AA00697231>
- 派生後誌:
- Transactions of the ASME. Journal of turbomachinery <AA10670129>
- 07424795
- 注記:
- Frequency varies: quarterly, v. 106 (1984)-v. 129 (2007); bimonthly, v. 130 (2008)-v. 131 (2009); monthly, v. 132 (2010)-
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