Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 種類:
- 雑誌
- 責任表示:
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 出版情報:
- New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1880-1958
- 著者名:
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers <DA01706933>
- 継続後誌:
- Transactions of the ASME. Ser. D, Journal of basic engineering <AA00694051>
Transactions of the ASME. Series G, Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control <AA00696727>
Transactions of the ASME. Ser. B, Journal of engineering for industry <AA00697195>
Transactions of the ASME. Ser. A, Journal of engineering for power <AA00697231>
Transactions of the ASME. Ser. C, Journal of heat transfer <AA00699168>
Transactions of the ASME. Series F, Journal of lubrication technology <AA00701281>
Transactions of the ASME. Series E, Journal of applied mechanics <AA10664782> - ISSN:
- 00976822
- 注記:
- Monthly (except Mar., June, Sept., Dec.)
Cover title, 1927-1958: Transactions of the A.S.M.E
1933- , issued as Sect. 2 of the Transactions, Journal of applied mechanics (quarterly; not issued 1934), later called Ser. E
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Mathematical Society |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
American Society of Agricultural Engineers |
Society of Automotive Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
[Society at the Academy of Natural Sciences] |