Chemical abstracts
- 種類:
- 雑誌
- 責任表示:
- American Chemical Society
- 出版情報:
- Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 1907-
- 著者名:
- 継続前誌:
- Review of American chemical research <AA00817377>
- 00092258
- 注記:
- Frequency: Fortnightly, 1907-1966; Weekly, 1967-
Popularly known as: Chem abstracts
Individual issues, 1934- have subtitle: Key to the world's chemical literature
"A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service."
Indexed semiannualy by various indexes with the common title: Chemical abstracts
Indexed on a multi-year basis by: Decennial index to chemical abstracts, 1907/16-1947/56; by: Chemical abstracts. Collective index, 1957/61-<1987/91>
Issued with Index guides: Quinquennial with biennially updated issues
Chemical Society |
American Chemical Society |
American Chemical Society | |
American Chemical Society |
BioSciences Information Service |
Chemical Abstracts Service |
Applied Publications, American Chemical Society |
Chemical Abstracts Service |
American Chemical Society |
The Society |