American journal of mathematics
- 種類:
- 雑誌
- 責任表示:
- Johns Hopkins University ; American Mathematical Society
- 出版情報:
- Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University, 1880-
- 著者名:
- 継続前誌:
- American journal of mathematics pure and applied <AA00520731>
- 00029327
- 注記:
- Issued also online via the World Wide Web; online (HTML) version available by subscription to Project Muse, <1996->
Dept. of Mathematics, Indiana University |
American Mathematical Society |
Tokushima University |
American Mathematical Society |
Kyoto University |
American Mathematical Society |
University of Tokushima |
Published for the Society by C.F. Hodgson |
Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo |
American Mathematical Society |
American Mathematical Society |