Modern language review : quartery journal devoted to the study of medieval and modern literature and philology
- 種類:
- 雑誌
- 責任表示:
- Modern Humanities Research Association
- 出版情報:
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Warehouse, 1905-
- 著者名:
- Modern Humanities Research Association <DA00403776>
- 継続前誌:
- Modern quarterly of language and literature <AA00287626>
- 00267937
- 注記:
- Editor: John G. Robertson
Publisher varies: Modern Humanities Research Association, V. 60 (1965)-v. 88 (1993); W. S. Money, V. 89 (1994)-
Modern Language Association of America |
Cambridge University Press |
Tsuda College |
Garland Pub |
University of North Carolina Press | |
Modern Humanities Research Association | |
Cambridge University Press |
Pergamon Press |
Cambridge University Press |
Kennikat Press |